By starting sixth form this year I have had so much more work to do, and have had to learn manage my spare time better, in order to get everything done.
Whilst reading different blogs I recently came across a post that summaries the key points behind 'The 7 Habits of Highly effective people' book- I was instantly interested.
This book most importantly talks about how to get the right things done, and that our greater goal should be in our minds everyday.
Summarised here are the 7 key points of the book:
1)Be Proactive
Take responsibility for you choices and stop blaming everything else in your life. You can control your reaction to the events in your life.
2)Begin With The End In Mind
Think about how you want to be remembered by people- honest, courageous, caring-
and keep them in mind
3)Put First Things First
Don't get caught up by urgent dramas happening day by day and do things that are important to you
4)Think Win/Win
Real success does not happen at the expense of others. A win for everyone is definitely better than a win for one person.Think karma!
5)First Try To Understand, Then To Be Understood
Listen and be genuinely interested in people. This will make people listen and be interested to you.
When you work with other people to create win/win situations, you will be able to achieve greater goals you wouldn't have been able to achieve on your own.
7)Sharpen The Saw
We need to stay 'sharp' by being physically and mentally fit, taking time to rest and to look after ourselves.
It is now on my must read list, but sadly I don't think I will be able to get round to it for a while. I have to finish all my work first.
One must prioritise after all.
Have you heard of, or read this book before? Let me know in the comments below!